Every Child Deserves An Audience. Stay In Your Seat.

Mamacita says:  I’ve posted about this subject before, but with the approach of holiday season, it’s on my mind again, so I’ve written a new post about this same thing. This is important. Proper behavior isn’t always fun. Nice people … Continue reading

Priorities, People.

Mamacita says: In case you’re one of those people who don’t believe children in America are going to bed hungry, I’ve got news for you: bu Monday mornings were the worst – we teachers would stand at the front doors … Continue reading

How To Tell Good Parents from Bad. Etc.

Mamacita says:  I think our school are too big. Large corporations sounded good on paper; they meant all students would have access to the big laboratories, the college courses, the winning basketball teams, etc. Those things are true. For some … Continue reading