You Are Santa Claus. Do Your Job.

Mamacita says:   Whether or not you celebrate Christmas has nothing whatsoever to do with being Santa Claus for someone. Call it whatever you wish: just call it something, and go forth and do it. Letting your soul curl up into … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday

Mamacita says:  We have entered that time of the year that is my very favorite:  the season of anticipation of the season. Planning and preparing for the holidays is what I look forward to all the rest of the year!  … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday

Mamacita says:  The latest Carnival of Education is up; please click over to Edwonkette’s blog and see what parents and teachers have to say about the state of education.  Remember, if you don’t keep up, you forfeit all whining rights.  … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday

Mamacita says:  Welcome back to Quotation Saturday, where I post the words of those who “say it” far better than I can. 1.  Any piece of knowledge I acquire today has a value at this moment exactly proportioned to my … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday

Mamacita says:  I had such a good time last night at Fausta’s Poetry Slam!  It makes me really happy that she’s going to have another one next Friday night at 7:00.  Find your favorite poems and join us!  If you … Continue reading