Mamacita says: Fact vs. opinion is one of the units I look forward to, difficult though it can be for my students. Helping my students understand the difference between a fact and an opinion is one of the most difficult … Continue reading
Tag Archives: dictionary
Mamacita says: People with tiny, limited vocabularies scare me. I am positive that these are the people who melt down in public and starting stabbing everyone within reach. It’s a fact that the person who throws the first punch generally … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I only wish I could include the really great stuff, but until some people are dead, that wouldn’t be appropriate. And you all know me: ever appropriate. Then again, if they continue to annoy me, I might even … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I worry about the future. I worry about the future for different reasons than most people’s reasons. I worry about the future because present generations aren’t learning about the past. Seriously. Our students don’t seem to have anything … Continue reading
Obi’s Sister has tagged me for a meme. It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, and I will have to say that not only do I learn things about my friends that I honestly didn’t know before; … Continue reading