Histories: RUN AWAY!

Mamacita says:  I tell my students that words have histories, just as people do, and, just like people, some words have more complicated and even interesting and often disturbing histories than others. Our histories shape us, but sometimes the shaping … Continue reading

Fruit and Words and Time and Helping Verbs

Mamacita says:  I’ve always been more than a little bit obsessed with sci fi, particularly when it’s about time.  Time, and fruit, both of which need helping verbs.  They do.  So do you. That picture up there?  I’ve always liked … Continue reading

It’s only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away. . . .*

Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is?” –Frank I’ve always liked that quotation. I also believe it is absolutely true. I think about it whenever I’m feeling particularly cowardly. It helps me overcome it. … Continue reading