Mamacita says: I have done little but sew masks, monitor websites and answer questions, and care for Mom since mid-March and my poor house shows it. In happier news, instead of doing housework during today’s break from packing things up at Mom’s, I bought a cat bed, a scratching pad, and a gigantic litterbox. Because of reasons related to happiness instead of heartbreak, which in and of itself is a nice break. Next on my no-housework agenda: clean out my office since I’m working on the dining room table now – laptop on one end, sewing machine on the other end, which means we’re eating in the living room or standing at the sink which is super weird but less so daily since we’re getting used to it so when we get the table back, if ever, it will seem weird to sit down and have meals there again. My office will still be my library, but the cats will have it as their eating and pooping and scampering-at-night base. It seems like whenever we have an unused room, we start using it for storage, which is a nasty habit, so there are boxes of whatever in that room which will have to be dealt with and in the mood I’m presently in, anything I don’t love dearly or associate with a beloved person or event or haven’t worn or in any way used for the past six months is doomed. I loathe clutter and I’ve been immersed in it since mid-March. Right now the house looks like it’s one phone call away from a spot on “Hoarders.” So a perhaps violent cleanout is in the near future. The very near future. I want my house back.

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

Creative Commons License
Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.