Mamacita Says: Rant, Rant, Rant. Rant.

Mamacita says:  Rant, rant, rant. This essay has been posted on many an education blog, for the past several years, and it’s just as relevant today as it was yesterday. John Taylor,  retired  superintendent of Lancaster County School District in … Continue reading

Are Our Children Really Overprotected? I Think They Are.

Mamacita says:  Are we protecting our children too much?  Everything is so bland, so effortless, so sanitary, so entitled, so sterilized, so soft, so completely without risk, requiring little or no talent or skill, so full of self-esteem and so … Continue reading

Things Nice People Already Know: Any Teacher Can Tell You Why So Many Are Leaving The Profession

Mamacita says:  It’s been pretty quiet around here lately, so I thought I’d stir things up by re-running a post from September 2007.  It created quite a stir when it first ran; let’s see if anything happens this time around. … Continue reading