About Jane Goodwin

Writer, Speaker, Social Media Liaison, Hands-on Science Teacher, Absentminded Professor, Education Advocate/Critic, Mommy. My veins are replete with Diet Coke.

Learn Some Context

Mamacita says: Context, people. Learn some context. No no NO. No updates, edits, modernization, political correcting, adding, eliminating, changing, gender swapping, romance insertions or removals, relationship changing, etc. If you want a story that suits you better, write a new … Continue reading

The Lunch Thief Who Was Also “Religious”

Mamacita says: I was reading a friend’s post about her lunch being constantly stolen at work, and it reminded me of the co-worker who was obsessed with food. He “sampled” other people’s lunches almost daily, sometimes just taking a few … Continue reading