The Lazy Boy

When I first came to teach at the middle school where I spent most of my career, I was told that unless there was a dire emergency, the principal was not to be disturbed between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.  I assumed he was busy with important meetings and administrative duties.  We assume many things when we’re young and just starting out on a career.  One of those assumptions is that everybody is just as enthusiastic and eager as we are.
It wasn’t until several months later than I learned the truth:  Every day, after lunch, the principal went down to the janitor’s workroom, next to the furnace, and took a two-hour nap in a lazy-boy recliner that he kept down there for just that purpose.  The older teachers were used to his schedule, and planned accordingly.  I was flabbergasted at first, but I soon learned that the school actually functioned much better when he was asleep.
And Wes, you know who that principal was.
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