The Frankenstein chicken probably ate lemon pie.

How can chicken broth be 99% fat-free? Isn’t that what broth IS? Fat globules and water? I know the big chunks are skimmed off, but still. . . .

And if there is no fat in the broth, what’s in it? The chemical analysis on the can did not help me figure this out.

It reminded me of a lecture** back in college. The professor made a complete and tasty lemon meringue pie, in front of our very eyes, using no actual food whatsoever. He just used chemicals and artificial colorings and flavorings. In other words, he used the ingredients listed on the store-bought-pie box.

What kind of creature would we behold, if Victor Frankenstein tried to create a chicken using only the ingredients listed on the 99% fat-free can of this alleged ‘broth?’

Talk amongst yourselves.

** Yes, I have a degree in Human Nutrition, among other things. I obviously haven’t used it in any way whatsoever. Well, when Dad was alive, I used to make out his menus and cook for him without sugar; and at Camp Towaki, I set up all the menus and approved the menus for a few of the other camps in Bradford Woods. Other than that, nothing. Well, I guess I utilized it when my children were small; I always tried to have nutritious meals for them back then.

I guess I mean that it’s obvious that I don’t use any of that knowledge on myself.

It’s also obvious that foods containing ‘fat’ don’t intimidate me in the least.

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