The Discovery Channel is responsible for many of my nightmares and disillusionments

Mamacita says: I used to be a hippie, you know. Now, I’m just hippy. I’m almost out of detergent, but if I tear open the two little sample packages of Tide that came in the washer when we bought it … Continue reading

I Am Not A Crazy Cat Lady. Yet.

Mamacita says:  I see no real harm is a cat in the kitchen unless it walks across your plate.  Or sheds a lot.  Or thinks it’s a human and demands its own place setting and chair, but I can deal … Continue reading

Popcorn Thief!

Mamacita says:  If one person offers to make popcorn for another person, and that other person declines the offer, and the first person says “Are you sure? I’m making popcorn and I’d be glad to make some for you, too,” … Continue reading

Profanity vs. Obscenity

Warning: proceed no further if you’re one of those overly sensitive types who is easily offended.  You’re no fun, by the way. == Mamacita says:  Grammar.  I love grammar.  It’s such a fantastic segue to. . . well, pretty much … Continue reading

Let's Make Magic For Our Children

Mamacita says:  Don’t tell anybody, but I’m only pretending to be upset that all the stores are getting ready for Christmas.  Yes, it’s too early.  Yes, Thanksgiving really does deserve some undivided attention.  Etc. The fact is, I love Christmas, … Continue reading

Parents and Education and Self Esteem, Oh My

Mamacita says: Oh please, society, let us learn from the past, just a little bit? “Francie thought it was the most beautiful church in Brooklyn. It was made of old gray stone and had twin spires that rose cleanly into … Continue reading