There’s Room For Everyone In This World, If Everyone Makes Some Room*


Moxy Fruvous

Mamacita says:  This is Moxy Fruvous, one of my favorite bands. They’ve been on hiatus for several years, no doubt the day after they discovered that I liked them. I have that effect on bands. And restaurants. I don’t expect them to get back together any time soon, as they’ve all gone on to other things; besides, them rebanding would make me happy and we can’t have that, can we. I still love them, though. They had a beautiful sound.

Go on and click the link:

Gulf War Song

We got a call to write a song about the war in the Gulf
But we shouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings
So we tried, then gave up, ’cause there was no such song
But the trying was very revealing. . . .

What makes a person so poisonous righteous
That they’d think less of anyone who just disagreed?
She’s just a pacifist, he’s just a patriot
If I said you were crazy, would you have to fight me?

Fighters for liberty, fighters for power
Fighters for longer turns in the shower
Don’t tell me I can’t fight, ’cause I’ll punch out your lights
And history seems to agree that I would fight you for me

So we read and we watched all the specially selected news
And we learned so much more ’bout the good guys
Won’t you stand by the flag? Was the question unasked
Won’t you join in and fight with the allies?

What could we say…we’re only 25 years old?
With 25 sweet summers, and hot fires in the cold
This kind of life makes that violence unthinkable
We’d like to play hockey, have kids and grow old

Fighters for Texaco, fighters for power
Fighters for longer turns in the shower
Don’t tell me I can’t fight ’cause I’ll punch out your lights
And history seems to agree that I would fight you for me
That us would fight them for we

He’s just a peacenik and she’s just a warhawk
That’s where the beach was, that’s where the sea
What could we say…we’re only 25 years old?
And history seems to agree
that I would fight you for me
That us would fight them for we

Is that how it always will be?

——–Moxy Fruvous

Learn this by heart.  Do it.  All four parts. (Please.) You know you want to, and I know you can.  A Cappella is a kind of magic.

*from Pete’s Dragon


There’s Room For Everyone In This World, If Everyone Makes Some Room* — 1 Comment

  1. I love A Cappella, the song was really nice. Thanks for sharing it. I’m going to look up the band now. It was a good song for today. My husband is a veteran. He enjoyed it also.

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