Language Issues

Mamacita says:  On occasion, my husband and I have what one might euphemistically call “slight miscommunication” episodes.  I’m sure I don’t know why he can’t seem to understand me, but it probably has something to do with the fact that he’s a man a very busy person.

I’m busy, too, but I have no problem whatsoever understanding me.

For example:

Him:  Do you want to eat out tonight?

Me:  I haven’t eaten anything yet today.

What’s not to understand?  Of COURSE I want to eat out!

Him:  How big a tip should I leave?

Me:  It’s a buffet.


Him:  Did you stop by the new house today?

Me:  The cabinets are beautiful!

How could I know that unless I stopped by and saw them?

There are others, but thinking about them makes me worry about his state of mind.


Language Issues — 2 Comments

  1. I know! I was just talking about this to my husband. The other thing I hate is when I ask a question and I get the same question back:

    Me: So where do you want to eat tonight?
    Him: I don’t know. Where do you want to eat tonight?

    Me: Did you want to go see that movie we were talking about?
    Him: I don’t know. Do you want to go see that movie?

    Him: What do you want for dinner tonight?
    Me: I’m not sure. I don’t feel like x or y. Maybe a or b? Which one sounds better to you?
    Him: I don’t know. Do you want a or b more?
    (This one is an example of how I do NOT answer his question with the same question, but he still ends up asking me the same question I asked AGAIN.)


    (I don’t know if I’ve commented since I switched from our other account, but it’s Jess here. :o) )

  2. I know! I was just talking about this to my husband. The other thing I hate is when I ask a question and I get the same question back:

    Me: So where do you want to eat tonight?
    Him: I don’t know. Where do you want to eat tonight?

    Me: Did you want to go see that movie we were talking about?
    Him: I don’t know. Do you want to go see that movie?

    Him: What do you want for dinner tonight?
    Me: I’m not sure. I don’t feel like x or y. Maybe a or b? Which one sounds better to you?
    Him: I don’t know. Do you want a or b more?
    (This one is an example of how I do NOT answer his question with the same question, but he still ends up asking me the same question I asked AGAIN.)


    (I don’t know if I’ve commented since I switched from our other account, but it’s Jess here. :o) )

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