Carnival of Education, Etsy, SweeTarts, and Pixy Stix

Mamacita says: The newest Carnival of Education is up, and you all need to click on over there so you can keep up with what your children’s teachers are trying to tell you!  Remember, people who don’t keep current don’t have any whining rights.  And if you are a parent who says things like “Oh, this stuff doesn’t apply to me or my children,”  then you and your children are probably the main perpetrators of any mentioned unappreciated antics.

I have an Etsy shop.  I only sell one thing, but it’s a really cool thing.  And, if you want a custom one, just ask me!  If you’re one of my readers, I’ll cater to your every whim!  Um, Etsy-style, that is.  What am I talking about?  Please, go check me it out!

Every home needs a place for a genie to live, don’t you think so?  I raised my children in a world of fantasy, and I’m overjoyed to say that they still know how to dwell there.  Please check out my daughter’s Etsy shop; she makes beautiful genie habitats.  I’ve watched her make these; every single teeny-tiny bead is placed by hand, individually.  Her pictures are lovely, but none can really capture the beauty of these creations. When the light catches one of her genie habitats, it’s truly gorgeous.

Also?  Blue SweeTarts are nasty.  The purple and orange ones, on the other hand, are FANTASTIC.  I wish I could find a package of SweeTarts with ONLY purple and orange ones.

Yes, that’s a petty wish.  I don’t care.  I love SweeTarts, but I don’t like the blue ones!  The raspberry/cherry (can’t really tell!) ones are pretty gross, too.  Green and yellow SweeTarts?  Meh.  No opinion.    But those yummy purple and orange SweeTarts?  Those are mine.  You can have all those OTHER ones.  Let’s flush the blue ones down the toilet.

I also love the purple and orange Pixie Stix, but I won’t go into detail because there is something vaguely unsettling about a woman my age sucking down a huge thick tube of tart powdery goodness.

Those little Pixy Stix straws just aren’t worth all the effort.  Besides, the end always gets soaked from the sucking, and you have to keep biting cutting the tip off to get all of the “stuff” out.

It’s nice to have candy that can’t be shared, though.  REALLY nice.

Besides, candy made by Gene Wilder or Johnny Depp can’t be anything but grand.  (If you don’t understand that reference, why, there must be something WRONG with you!!!!)


Carnival of Education, Etsy, SweeTarts, and Pixy Stix — 10 Comments

  1. Mmmm, SweeTarts and Pixy Stix–takes me back more than a few years. I don’t remember the blue from all those years ago, and I agree that they are better left out of the package. I’d fight you for the purple ones, but you can have my orange if I can have your green. Off to check out your Etsy site.

  2. Mmmm, SweeTarts and Pixy Stix–takes me back more than a few years. I don’t remember the blue from all those years ago, and I agree that they are better left out of the package. I’d fight you for the purple ones, but you can have my orange if I can have your green. Off to check out your Etsy site.

  3. Mamacita, I would like to order five of the stockings…do I just go ahead and indicate on the order form, and make payment, or do I need to wait until the page shows there are more available?
    I thot I had all my Christmas shopping done, til I saw the sock/booty; you go girl.

  4. Mamacita, I would like to order five of the stockings…do I just go ahead and indicate on the order form, and make payment, or do I need to wait until the page shows there are more available?
    I thot I had all my Christmas shopping done, til I saw the sock/booty; you go girl.

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