
My final exam is all finished! And just in the nick of time, too, for I have a student who needs to take it tomorrow, instead of next week, because she’s going to have surgery.

I didn’t want her to have to take an “incomplete,” so I just wrote the final early. She’s coming in tomorrow (which is not really her day, but it’s the same test so what the heck!) to take her final.

I teach the same classes on both Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday, so I told my students today that if Monday didn’t work for them, next week, to just come in on Tuesday. And tomorrow I’ll tell my Tuesday students the same. Only reverse the two days. Eh.

I know that my students are busy with jobs, families, problems, etc, so any little thing I can do that will help them, I’ll do.

Then, next week, they can come in to see me on Wednesday or Thursday and I’ll have their tests graded and their grades computed.

Otherwise they’ll have to wait till almost midsummer to find out their grades, and that’s just silly. So I’ll be doing math next week and I won’t be happy doing math and I’ll probably let you all know in no uncertain terms just how unhappy doing math makes me.

Thank goodness for calculators, that’s all I can say.

Yes, I know how to use a spreadsheet, thank you, but my computer was so wonky all semester, I couldn’t rely on it. So, I kept my grades in a book. On real paper. And I will add all their scores together and divide, giving me an average.

When dinosaurs ruled the earth.

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