“It’s The Equinoctial Storm,” said Ma.

Mamacita says: This year, there was no equinoctial storm.  In fact, this year, we haven’t had enough rain for quite a while, but last year at this time, the rains poured down as though they would never stop. Whenever we … Continue reading

12 Strong Female Children’s & YA Literary Characters

Mamacita says:  There are a lot more strong female characters in children’s and YA literature than some people might think.  I’m of the opinion that those who don’t know who they are, just aren’t looking in the right places. Here … Continue reading

Censorship is for Chumps

Mamacita says:  If I owned the biggest and best thesaurus in the universe, I still would not be able to find a word accurate enough to fully express my disgust and loathing of book banning and censorship, nor of the … Continue reading