Those Who Burn Books Will, in the End, Burn Human Beings. . . .

Mamacita says:  Banned Books week makes me sad.  It’s a sad reminder that that there are such huge hordes of ignorant masses in the United States; we don’t like to remember it, and yet, sigh, there those blank minds are, forbidding … Continue reading

Stuff Students and Parents Say To Teachers. Etc.

Mamacita says: I only wish I could include the really great stuff, but until some people are dead, that wouldn’t be appropriate. And you all know me: ever appropriate. Then again, if they continue to annoy me, I might even … Continue reading

September 11, 2001

Mamacita says: I’m guessing that many most bloggers will be posting tributes this weekend, and telling the blogosphere ‘where we were’ when the planes hit the World Trade Center. Here is mine. This is actually the second third fourth fifth … Continue reading

Priorities, People.

Mamacita says: In case you’re one of those people who don’t believe children in America are going to bed hungry, I’ve got news for you: bu Monday mornings were the worst – we teachers would stand at the front doors … Continue reading