Why Do We Put Up With These People?

Jane Goodwin, disgusted with stupid people   Mamacita says:  If someone could please tell me why we should continue to put up with, ie enable, adults who feel they’ve somehow got a right to be jerks in public, I’d appreciate knowing.

I’m not talking about people who start World Wars or draw blood. I’m talking about people who get in the 20 items line with a mounded cartful. I’m talking about people who cut the line or save places for people thus enabling them to cut the line. I’m talking about people who park in the handicapped spot without a plate or hangar. I’m talking about people who let their kids open packages and play with toys that aren’t theirs and then leave them at the checkout.  I’m talking about people who send their kids to the toy department to sit on the floor, open things, and play, while Mommy shops.  I’m talking about people who eat and drink in a store, or, worse, let their kids eat and drink in a store, leaving a sticky, crumbly trail that would have led Hansel and Gretel right straight back home.  I’m talking about people who bring dinner in crackly bags to the theater, and hold conversations through the movie.  I’m talking about people who talk loudly on cell phones in public places.  I’m talking about litterbugs, and tailgaters, and adults who have temper tantrums pretty much anywhere.  I’m talking about people who scream at the little teenage checkout girl because she can’t take their expired coupons, or really for any reason.  (Do they really  believe it’s her problem, or is she just handy and an easy target?)

(I saw that last one just yesterday.  A lady woman melted down at the cash register because the cashier couldn’t take ALL of her coupons for one purchase.  She totally showed the entire store what kind of person she was, screaming “It’s not fair!  It’s not fair!  and banging the counter with her fist. On the bright side, the manager opened up another register since that one was, um, busy trying to handle the tantrum-throwing adult woman who, since she was a proven idiot, I don’t mind saying that she was also immensely obese, ugly, and her mother had dressed her funny.)  (I do not think such thoughts about nice people.)

I am all for cutting small children slack, but adults?  When it comes to public behavior?  No.  I tend to be meaner than a shithouse snake when it comes to passing judgment on adults who behave like a Willy Wonka golden ticket winner in public places.

Am I unreasonable?  I don’t think so.  Public places merit cooperation among those who choose to go there, and that means using our public manners, which should be extremely good, even extraordinary, manners.  I have VERY little tolerance for adults who make the choice to misbehave in public.  And by “very little” what I really mean is “none.”  I despise adults who don’t act politely in public.

You know. . . . jerks.  Bad people.  Idiots.  Morons.  Nasty people who ruin experiences for nice people.  Entitled people who feel they’re somehow above the rules.  Adults who believe they’re exceptions, and should be able to do whatever they want.  Grown men and women who demand more than their fair share of, well, anything.

Am I perhaps a little bit TOO mean towards such people?

No, actually, I don’t think I’m mean enough.

And if you want to argue with me about this issue, I might as well add this:  I would totally shop exclusively at any store that had the guts and gumption to approach these people and require them to do “it” right, whichever “it” the stupid person was violating, and escort them out if they refuse.  And I would really, REALLY enjoy it if the store called the police and pressed charges against these people when they refused to behave.

P.S.  I hope they start with the people who feel their business is so important that they’ve got the right to go through the 20 items line with that mounded cartful.  I really, really despise those people.  I’d hate to have their nerve in a tooth.

P.P.S.  I’m not really a mean person.  I’m just sick and tired of society putting up with mean, selfish, childish adults in public.  The more we put up with them, the meaner and more entitled they’ll get.

I maintain that nice people should trump mean people.  Everywhere.  In everything.

Bring it on.  Tell us why you’re the exception.



Why Do We Put Up With These People? — 11 Comments

  1. You are soooo right on with your perspection about ignorant people. Just the sheer volume of them is mind boggling, isn’t it.

    Keep up the good posts.

  2. I was extremely impressed with the people I encountered while out to see some Christmas decorations at a local shop that sets up a little Winter Wonderland each year. The line was was not cut, people were nice, no one glared at crying babies or toddlers who had become bored standing a bit too long. I was probably the most frustrated person there trying to get my niece to understand that in small aisles it is impossible for her to walk beside the cart but either must sit in it or walk in front or behind and then a small break down when she was put into the cart. I was expecting much worse.

  3. I was extremely impressed with the people I encountered while out to see some Christmas decorations at a local shop that sets up a little Winter Wonderland each year. The line was was not cut, people were nice, no one glared at crying babies or toddlers who had become bored standing a bit too long. I was probably the most frustrated person there trying to get my niece to understand that in small aisles it is impossible for her to walk beside the cart but either must sit in it or walk in front or behind and then a small break down when she was put into the cart. I was expecting much worse.

  4. You would have been appalled by the behavior at the Oregon Ballet Theater Nutcracker yesterday. Not the kids…the adults. Pushing, shoving, elbowing…it was ridiculous.

    Today, at “A Holiday Revue” (more adult-oriented), it was MUCH mellower. And there was one number spoofing the rude late shoppers. ROTFLMAO! I loved it.

    And yes, I am appalled by rude behavior of late by adults in public. That doesn’t exclude workers, though…customers and workers alike are horribly rude. I would have been fired years ago for acting like many of the current workers I see in retail!

  5. You would have been appalled by the behavior at the Oregon Ballet Theater Nutcracker yesterday. Not the kids…the adults. Pushing, shoving, elbowing…it was ridiculous.

    Today, at “A Holiday Revue” (more adult-oriented), it was MUCH mellower. And there was one number spoofing the rude late shoppers. ROTFLMAO! I loved it.

    And yes, I am appalled by rude behavior of late by adults in public. That doesn’t exclude workers, though…customers and workers alike are horribly rude. I would have been fired years ago for acting like many of the current workers I see in retail!

  6. Years ago I worked in the toy department of a K-Mart-like store. It was not unusual to find unattended children playing with the toys while mommy shopped. I would take the child(ren) up to the service desk and we would announce that Johnny was lost. Hilarity ensued.

  7. Years ago I worked in the toy department of a K-Mart-like store. It was not unusual to find unattended children playing with the toys while mommy shopped. I would take the child(ren) up to the service desk and we would announce that Johnny was lost. Hilarity ensued.

  8. Is it just me or are there more and more of those people around? I’m horrified about how others treat clerks and employees of stores, how rude they are to other people; it’s horrifying. I so admire one of our local businessmen who owns a grocery store. A wacky guy who runs for every political office in the county was abusive to his employees, so he BANNED him. That takes guts.

  9. Is it just me or are there more and more of those people around? I’m horrified about how others treat clerks and employees of stores, how rude they are to other people; it’s horrifying. I so admire one of our local businessmen who owns a grocery store. A wacky guy who runs for every political office in the county was abusive to his employees, so he BANNED him. That takes guts.

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