Carnivals and Company and Pie, Oh My.

It’s that time again; time to click over to the latest Carnival of Education.  Just because I say this every week doesn’t mean you can disregard it now:  If you don’t keep up, you can’t rightfully whine.  Click the link and become enlightened.  We owe it to the children to stay on top of what’s happenin’ in the world of education.  We owe it to ourselves, too.  This is OUR MONEY we’re talking about, remember.
Hub is a little upset with me today because when he got home from his teaching gig, he realized that I had turned the stove on. 
“It’s over a hundred degrees outside, why are you cooking?  This whole house is hot now.”
Um, because we have eight people coming for dinner tonight?  I figured I’d get the hottest of it out of the way so the house could cool down for the guests, and just reheat everything in the microwave.
(Except for the pie which will mean turning on the oven which will REALLY turn the house into an inferno but I’ll wait ’till he leaves for his other class tonight.) 
Well, my guests politely requested blackberry pie; I can’t make that in the microwave, you know.
My dinner guests are my daughter and some of her friends;  you see, with important people like that in my house, I want everything to be perfect for them.
I hope they don’t mind lemonade; we are totally out of all caffeinated soft drinks and if they think they’re going to touch my diet cokes they’ve got another think coming. . . . . .
Ahem.  The house might be hot right now, but when Belle and her friends get here, my house will become instantly cool.
They’ll be drinking lemonade with their feast.  If that’s not all right, they can just swallow their spit between bites.
I love company.  When are YOU coming over?
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